L​aurel Hill ​Memo​rial Gardens ​
2000 Pennsylvania Avenue ~ Saint Louis, Missouri 63133
Telephone (314) 725-7800

Each Garden in the Cemetery Features a Specific Type of Memorial.
BRONZE memorials on granite bases are accepted throughout the cemetery
GRANITE memorials are only accepted in a limited number of gardens
- Please refer to Memorial Map or contact our office for details
- Minimum base size for an adult memorials is 24" x 12"
- All bases must be GRANITE
- Granite from the state of Georgia is not accepted
- Vases are no longer allowed on new memorials due to potential theft
- Installation fees are included in all our pricing
Installation fees are calculated at $1.15 per square inch (base size)
- Only FLAT lawn-level memorials are accepted*
* Exception: Family lots in Sections 2 or 4 with six (6) adjacent spaces are permitted
one upright monument (with 6 panels) placed in center of lot